
A Rack has no content on its own. It only stacks child views. Either vertically (ViewBuilder.column) or horizontally (ViewBuilder.row). It allows you to create view layouts.


margin : RackMargin

Set the "borders" of a rack (left, right, top and bottom inclusively)

  • Default: 0 (no borders)

spacing : RackSpacing

Set the amount stacked child views are separated by (horizontally in rows, vertically in columns).

  • Default: 0 (no spacing)

style : ViewBackgroundStyle

Setup a background style for the view.

uniform : RackUniformity

When set to true, all child views in the rack are automatically resized to the max size of all child views (width in ViewBuilder.column, height in ViewBuilder.row). This can be useful to automatically align all sub columns/panels to the same size. Resizing is done automatically, as soon as a child view size changes or new children are added.

  • Default: false

visible : ViewVisibility

Set visible to false to hide a view (make it invisible without removing it). Please note that view.visible will also return false when any of its parents are invisible (when its implicitly invisible).

  • Default: true

width : ViewDimension

The dimensions of a view has to be larger than 0. For nested views you can also specify relative size for example vb:text { width = "80%"}. The percentage values are relative to the view's parent size and will automatically update on size changes.

height : ViewDimension

The dimensions of a view has to be larger than 0. For nested views you can also specify relative size for example vb:text { width = "80%"}. The percentage values are relative to the view's parent size and will automatically update on size changes.

tooltip : ViewTooltip

A tooltip text that should be shown for this view on mouse hover.

  • Default: "" (no tip will be shown)

views : renoise.Views.View[]

READ-ONLY Empty for all controls, for layout views this contains the layout child views in the order they got added


add_child(self, child : renoise.Views.View)

Add a new child view to this view.

remove_child(self, child : renoise.Views.View)

Remove a child view from this view.




Set the "borders" of a rack (left, right, top and bottom inclusively)

  • Default: 0 (no borders)



Set the amount stacked child views are separated by (horizontally in rows, vertically in columns).

  • Default: 0 (no spacing)



When set to true, all child views in the rack are automatically resized to the max size of all child views (width in ViewBuilder.column, height in ViewBuilder.row). This can be useful to automatically align all sub columns/panels to the same size. Resizing is done automatically, as soon as a child view size changes or new children are added.

  • Default: false


"body" | "border" | "group" | "invisible" | "panel" | "plain"

-- Setup a background style for the view. 
    | "invisible" -- no background (Default)
    | "plain" -- undecorated, single coloured background
    | "border" -- same as plain, but with a bold nested border
    | "body" -- main "background" style, as used in dialog backgrounds
    | "panel" -- alternative "background" style, beveled
    | "group" -- background for "nested" groups within body


string | integer

The dimensions of a view has to be larger than 0. For nested views you can also specify relative size for example vb:text { width = "80%"}. The percentage values are relative to the view's parent size and will automatically update on size changes.



A tooltip text that should be shown for this view on mouse hover.

  • Default: "" (no tip will be shown)



Set visible to false to hide a view (make it invisible without removing it). Please note that view.visible will also return false when any of its parents are invisible (when its implicitly invisible).

  • Default: true