
A single note column in a pattern line.

General remarks: instrument columns are available for lines in phrases but are ignored. See renoise.InstrumentPhrase for detail.

Access note column properties either by values (numbers) or by strings. The string representation uses exactly the same notation as you see them in Renoise's pattern or phrase editor.


delay_string : string

Range: ('00'-'FF') or '..'

delay_value : integer

Range: (0-255)

effect_amount_string : string

Range: ('00' - 'FF')

effect_amount_value : integer

Range: (0-255)

effect_number_string : string

Range: ('00'-'ZZ')

effect_number_value : integer

Range: (0-65535) in the form 0x0000xxyy where xx=effect char 1 and yy=effect char 2

instrument_string : string

Range: ('00'-'FE') or '..'

instrument_value : integer

Range: (0-254), 255==Empty

is_empty : boolean

READ-ONLY True, when all note column properties are empty.

is_selected : boolean

READ-ONLY True, when this column is selected in the pattern or phrase editors current pattern.

note_string : string

Range: ('C-0'-'G-9') or 'OFF' or '---'

note_value : integer

Range: (0-119) or 120=Off or 121=Empty

panning_string : string

Range: ('00'-'ZF') or '..'

panning_value : integer

Range: (0-127) or 255==Empty when column value is <= 0x80 or is 0xFF, i.e. to specify a pan value.

Range: (0-65535) in the form 0x0000xxyy where xx=effect char 1 and yy=effect char 2, when column value is > 0x80, i.e. to specify an effect.

volume_string : string

Range('00'-'ZF') or '..'

volume_value : integer

Range: (0-127) or 255==Empty when column value is <= 0x80 or is 0xFF, i.e. to specify a volume value.

Range: (0-65535) in the form 0x0000xxyy where xx=effect char 1 and yy=effect char 2, when column value is > 0x80, i.e. to specify an effect.



Clear the note column.

copy_from(self, other : renoise.NoteColumn)

Copy the column's content from another column.