
Raw MIDI IO support for scripts in Renoise; the ability to send and receive MIDI data.




Return a list of strings with currently available MIDI input devices. This list can change when devices are hot-plugged. See renoise.Midi.devices_changed_observable



Return a list of strings with currently available MIDI output devices. This list can change when devices are hot-plugged. See renoise.Midi.devices_changed_observable

create_input_device(device_name : string, callback : MidiMessageFunction | MidiMessageMethod1 | MidiMessageMethod2?, sysex_callback : MidiMessageFunction | MidiMessageMethod1 | MidiMessageMethod2?)


Listen to incoming MIDI data: opens access to a MIDI input device by specifying a device name. Name must be one of renoise.Midi.available_input_devices().

One or both callbacks should be valid, and should either point to a function with one parameter function (message: number[]) end, or a table with an object and class {context, function(context, message: number[]) end} -> a method.

All MIDI messages except active sensing will be forwarded to the callbacks. When Renoise is already listening to this device, your callback and Renoise (or even other scripts) will handle the message.

Messages are received until the device reference is manually closed (see renoise.Midi.MidiDevice:close()) or until the MidiInputDevice object gets garbage collected.

create_output_device(device_name : string)


Open access to a MIDI device by specifying the device name. Name must be one of renoise.Midi.available_input_devices(). All other device names will fire an error.

The real device driver gets automatically closed when the MidiOutputDevice object gets garbage collected or when the device is explicitly closed via midi_device:close() and nothing else references it.



Fire notifications as soon as new devices become active or a previously added device gets removed/unplugged. This will only happen on Linux and OSX with real devices. On Windows this may happen when using ReWire slaves. ReWire adds virtual MIDI devices to Renoise. Already opened references to devices which are no longer available will do nothing: ou can use them as before and they will not fire any errors. The messages will simply go into the void...

Local Aliases




(message : MidiMessage)


{ 1 : MidiMessageMemberContext, 2 : MidiMessageMemberFunction }


{ 1 : MidiMessageMemberFunction, 2 : MidiMessageMemberContext }