


    QUANTIZE_NONE: integer = 1,
    QUANTIZE_LINE: integer = 2,
    QUANTIZE_BEAT: integer = 3,
    QUANTIZE_BAR: integer = 4,


available_scale_modes : string[]

READ-ONLY List of all available scale modes.

monophonic : boolean

Mono/Poly mode.

monophonic_glide : integer

Glide amount when monophonic. 0 == off, 255 = instant

monophonic_glide_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

monophonic_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

quantize : renoise.InstrumentTriggerOptions.QuantizeMode

Trigger quantization mode.

quantize_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

scale_key : integer

Scale-key to use when transposing (1=C, 2=C#, 3=D, ...)

scale_key_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

scale_mode : string

one of 'available_scales']

scale_mode_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.