


    PLAYMODE_POINTS: integer = 1,
    PLAYMODE_LINES: integer = 2,
    PLAYMODE_CURVES: integer = 3,




name : string

READ-ONLY Fixed name of the device.

short_name : string


display_name : string

Configurable device display name.

display_name_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

enabled : boolean

enabled_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

is_active : boolean

not active = bypassed

is_active_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

is_maximized : boolean

Maximize state in modulation chain.

is_maximized_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

target : renoise.SampleModulationDevice.TargetType

READ-ONLY Where the modulation gets applied (Volume, Pan, Pitch, Cutoff, Resonance).

operator : renoise.SampleModulationDevice.OperatorType

Modulation operator: how the device applies.

operator_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

bipolar : boolean

Modulation polarity: when bipolar, the device applies it's values in a -1 to 1 range, when unipolar in a 0 to 1 range.

bipolar_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

tempo_sync_switching_allowed : boolean

READ-ONLY When true, the device has one of more time parameters, which can be switched to operate in synced or unsynced mode. see also field tempo_synced.

tempo_synced : boolean

When true and the device supports sync switching the device operates in wall-clock (ms) instead of beat times. see also property 'tempo_sync_switching_allowed'

tempo_synced_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

is_active_parameter : renoise.DeviceParameter

READ-ONLY Generic access to all parameters of this device.

parameters : renoise.DeviceParameter[]


external_editor_visible : boolean

External editor visibility. set to true to show the editor, false to close it

play_mode : renoise.SampleStepperModulationDevice.PlayMode

Play mode (interpolation mode).

play_mode_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

play_step : integer

Range: (-1 - 16)

play_step_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

length : integer

Range: (1 - 256)

length_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

points : SampleStepperModulationDevice.Point[]

Get all points of the envelope. When setting a new list of points, items may be unsorted by time, but there may not be multiple points for the same time. Returns a copy of the list, so changing points[1].value will not do anything. Instead, change them via points = { something }.

points_observable : renoise.Document.ObservableList

Track changes to document lists by attaching listener functions to it. NB: Notifiers will not broadcast changes made to list items, but only changes to the lists layout (items got added, removed, swapped).


parameter(self, index : integer)


Access to a single parameter by index. Use properties 'parameters' to iterate over all parameters and to query the parameter count.


Reset the envelope back to its default initial state.

copy_from(self, other_device : renoise.SampleStepperModulationDevice)

Copy all properties from another SampleStepperModulation object.


Remove all points from the envelope.

clear_points_in_range(self, from_time : integer, to_time : integer)

Remove points in the given [from, to) time range from the envelope.

copy_points_from(self, other_device : renoise.SampleStepperModulationDevice)

Copy all points from another SampleStepperModulation object.

has_point_at(self, time : integer)


Test if a point exists at the given time.

add_point_at(self, time : integer, value : number, scaling : number?)

Add a new point value (or replace any existing value) at time.

remove_point_at(self, time : integer)

Removes a point at the given time. Point must exist.




time : integer

Range: (1 - envelope.length)

value : number

Range: (0.0 - 1.0)

scaling : number

Range: (-1.0 - 1.0)