
Pattern sequencer component of the Renoise song.


keep_sequence_sorted : boolean

When true, the sequence will be auto sorted.

keep_sequence_sorted_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

pattern_assignments_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Attach notifiers that will be called as soon as any pattern assignment at any sequence position changes.

pattern_sequence : integer[]

Pattern order list: Notifiers will only be fired when sequence positions are added, removed or their order changed. To get notified of pattern assignment changes use the property pattern_assignments_observable.

pattern_sequence_observable : renoise.Document.ObservableList

Track changes to document lists by attaching listener functions to it. NB: Notifiers will not broadcast changes made to list items, but only changes to the lists layout (items got added, removed, swapped).

pattern_slot_mutes_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Attach notifiers that will be fired as soon as any slot muting property in any track/sequence slot changes.

selection_range : integer[]

Access to the selected slots in the sequencer. When no selection is present {0, 0} is returned, else Range: (1 - #sequencer.pattern_sequence)

selection_range_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.


clone_range(self, from_sequence_index : integer, to_sequence_index : integer)

Clone a sequence range, appending it right after to_sequence_index. Slot muting is copied as well.

delete_sequence_at(self, sequence_index : any)

Delete an existing position in the sequence. Renoise needs at least one sequence in the song for playback. Completely removing all sequence positions is not allowed.

insert_new_pattern_at(self, sequence_index : integer)

->new_pattern_index : integer

Insert an empty, unreferenced pattern at the given position.

insert_sequence_at(self, sequence_index : integer, pattern_index : integer)

Insert the specified pattern at the given position in the sequence.

make_range_unique(self, from_sequence_index : integer, to_sequence_index : integer)

Make patterns in the given sequence pos range unique, if needed.

pattern(self, sequence_index : integer)

->pattern_index : integer

Access to a single sequence by index (the pattern number). Use property pattern_sequence to iterate over the whole sequence and to query the sequence count.

sequence_is_end_of_section(self, sequence_index : integer)


Returns true if the given sequence pos is the end of a section, else false

sequence_is_part_of_section(self, sequence_index : integer)


Returns true if the given sequence pos is part of a section, else false.

sequence_is_start_of_section(self, sequence_index : integer)

->boolean, boolean

Access to pattern sequence sections. When the is_start_of_section flag is set for a sequence pos, a section ranges from this pos to the next pos which starts a section, or till the end of the song when there are no others.

sequence_is_start_of_section_observable(self, sequence_index : integer)


sequence_section_name(self, sequence_index : integer)


Access to a pattern sequence section's name. Section names are only visible for a sequence pos which starts the section (see sequence_is_start_of_section).

sequence_section_name_observable(self, sequence_index : integer)




Observable, which is fired, whenever the section layout in the sequence changed in any way, i.e. new sections got added, existing ones got deleted

set_sequence_is_start_of_section(self, sequence_index : integer, is_section : boolean)

set_sequence_section_name(self, sequence_index : integer, name : string)

set_track_sequence_slot_is_muted(self, track_index : integer, sequence_index : integer, muted : any)

set_track_sequence_slot_is_selected(self, track_index : integer, sequence_index : integer, selected : any)


Sort patterns in the sequence in ascending order, keeping the old pattern data in place. This will only change the visual order of patterns, but not change the song's structure.

track_sequence_slot_is_muted(self, track_index : integer, sequence_index : integer)


Access to sequencer slot mute states. Mute slots are memorized in the sequencer and not in the patterns.

track_sequence_slot_is_selected(self, track_index : integer, sequence_index : integer)


Access to sequencer slot selection states.