
The Renoise application.


log_filename : string

READ-ONLY Access to the application's full log filename and path. Will already be opened for writing, but you nevertheless should be able to read from it.

current_song : renoise.Song

READ-ONLY Get the apps main document, the song. The global "" function is, in fact, a shortcut to this property.

recently_loaded_song_files : string[]

READ-ONLY List of recently loaded song files.

recently_saved_song_files : string[]

READ-ONLY List of recently saved song files.

installed_tools : table<string, string>

READ-ONLY Returns information about all currently installed tools.

key_modifier_states : table<string, string>

READ-ONLY Access keyboard modifier states.

window : renoise.ApplicationWindow

READ-ONLY Access to the application's window.

active_clipboard_index : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Range: (1 - 4) Get or set globally used clipboard "slots" in the application.


show_message(self, message : string)

Shows an info message dialog to the user.

show_error(self, message : string)

Shows an error dialog to the user.

show_warning(self, message : string)

Shows a warning dialog to the user.

show_status(self, message : string)

Shows a message in Renoise's status bar to the user.

show_prompt(self, title : string, message : string, button_labels : string[]?)

->label : string

Opens a modal dialog with a title, text and custom button labels. Returns the pressed button label or an empty string when canceled.

show_custom_prompt(self, title : string, content_view : renoise.Views.View, button_labels : string[], key_handler : KeyHandler?, key_handler_options : KeyHandlerOptions?)

->label : string

Opens a modal dialog with a title, custom content and custom button labels.
See: renoise.ViewBuilder for more info about custom views.

show_custom_dialog(self, title : DialogTitle, content_view : renoise.Views.View, key_handler : KeyHandler?, key_handler_options : KeyHandlerOptions?)


Shows a non modal dialog (a floating tool window) with custom content.
When no key_handler is provided, the Escape key is used to close the dialog. See: renoise.ViewBuilder for more info about custom views.

prompt_for_path(self, title : DialogTitle)

->path : string

Opens a modal dialog to query an existing directory from the user.

prompt_for_filename_to_read(self, file_extensions : string[], title : DialogTitle)

->path : string

Opens a modal dialog to query a filename and path to read from a file.

prompt_for_multiple_filenames_to_read(self, file_extensions : string[], title : DialogTitle)

->paths : string[]

Same as 'prompt_for_filename_to_read' but allows the user to select more than one file.

prompt_for_filename_to_write(self, file_extension : string, title : DialogTitle)

->path : string

Open a modal dialog to get a filename and path for writing. When an existing file is selected, the dialog will ask whether or not to overwrite it, so you don't have to take care of this on your own.

open_url(self, url : string)

Opens the default internet browser with the given URL. The URL can also be a file that browsers can open (like xml, html files...).

open_path(self, file_path : string)

Opens the default file browser (explorer, finder...) with the given path.

install_tool(self, file_path : string)

Install order update a tool. Any errors are shown to the user during installation. Installing an already existing tool will upgrade the tool without confirmation. Upgraded tools will automatically be re-enabled, if necessary.

uninstall_tool(self, file_path : string)

Uninstall an existing tool. Any errors are shown to the user during uninstallation.


Create a new song document (will ask the user to save changes if needed). The song is not created immediately, but soon after the call was made and the user did not aborted the operation. In order to continue execution with the new song, attach a notifier to '' See: renoise.ScriptingTool for more info.


Create a new song document, avoiding template XRNS songs (when present) to be loaded. The song is not created immediately, but soon after the call was made and the user did not aborted the operation. In order to continue execution with the new song, attach a notifier to '' See: renoise.ScriptingTool for more info.

load_song(self, filename : string)

Load a new song document from the given filename (will ask to save changes if needed, any errors are shown to the user). Just like new_song(), the song is not loaded immediately, but soon after the call was made. See '' for details.

load_track_device_chain(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Load a track device chains into the currently selected track. Any errors during the export are shown to the user.

load_track_device_preset(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Load a track device devices into the currently selected track. When no device is selected a new device will be created. Any errors during the export are shown to the user.

load_instrument(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Load an instrument into the currently selected instrument. Any errors during the export are shown to the user.

load_instrument_multi_sample(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Load an instrument multi sample into the currently selected instrument. Any errors during the export are shown to the user.

load_instrument_device_chain(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Load an instrument device chain into the currently selected instrument's device chain. When no device chain is selected, a new one will be created. Any errors during the export are shown to the user.

load_instrument_device_preset(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Load an instrument device into the currently selected instrument's device chain's device. When no device is selected, a new one will be created. Any errors during the export are shown to the user.

load_instrument_modulation_set(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Load an instrument modulation chain into the currently selected instrument's modulation chain. When no device is selected, a new one will be created. Any errors during the export are shown to the user.

load_instrument_phrase(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Load an instrument phrase into the currently selected instrument's phrases. When no phrase is selected, a new one will be created. Any errors during the export are shown to the user.

load_instrument_sample(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Load an instrument sample into the currently selected instrument's sample lists. When no sample is selected, a new one will be created. Any errors during the export are shown to the user.

load_theme(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Load a new theme file and apply it. Any errors during the export are shown to the user.


Quicksave or save the current song under a new name. Any errors during the export are shown to the user.

save_song_as(self, filename : string)

Save the current song under a new name. Any errors during the export are shown to the user.

save_track_device_chain(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Save a currently selected track device chain to a file with the given name. When no device chain is selected an error is raised. returns success.

save_instrument(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Save a currently selected instrument to a file with the given name. When no instruemnt is selected an error is raised. returns success.

save_instrument_multi_sample(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Save a currently selected instrument multi sample file to a file with the given name. When no instrument is selected an error is raised. returns success.

save_instrument_device_chain(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Save a currently selected instrument's device chain to a file with the given name. When no chain is selected an error is raised. returns success.

save_instrument_modulation_set(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Save a currently selected instrument's modulation set to a file with the given name. When no modulation is selected an error is raised. returns success.

save_instrument_phrase(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Save a currently selected instrument's phrase to a file with the given name. When no phrase is selected an error is raised. returns success.

save_instrument_sample(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Save a currently selected instrument's sample to a file with the given name. When no sample is selected an error is raised. returns success.

save_theme(self, filename : string)

->success : boolean

Save a current theme to a file with the given name. returns success.




name : string

name of the key, like 'esc' or 'a'

modifiers : ModifierStates

the held down modifiers as a string

character : string?

possible character representation of the key

note : integer?

virtual keyboard piano key value (starting from 0)

state : "pressed" | "released"

only present if send_key_release was set to true

repeated : boolean?

only present if send_key_repeat was set to true




The modifier keys will be provided as a string.
Possible keys are dependent on the platform

  • Windows : "shift", "alt", "control", "winkey"
  • Linux : "shift", "alt", "control", "meta"
  • Mac : "shift", "option", "control", "command" If multiple modifiers are held down, the string will be formatted as
    " + " Their order will correspond to the following precedence shift + alt/option + control + winkey/meta/command
    If no modifier is pressed, this will be an empty string



send_key_repeat : boolean?

Default: true

send_key_release : boolean?

Default: false




The title that shows up at the title-bar of the dialog.


(dialog : renoise.Dialog, key_event : KeyEvent) -> KeyEvent?

Optional keyhandler to process key events on a custom dialog.
When returning the passed key from the key-handler function, the key will be passed back to Renoise's key event chain, in order to allow processing global Renoise key-bindings from your dialog. This will not work for modal dialogs. This also only applies to global shortcuts in Renoise, because your dialog will steal the focus from all other Renoise views such as the Pattern Editor, etc.



The modifier keys will be provided as a string.
Possible keys are dependent on the platform

  • Windows : "shift", "alt", "control", "winkey"
  • Linux : "shift", "alt", "control", "meta"
  • Mac : "shift", "option", "control", "command" If multiple modifiers are held down, the string will be formatted as
    " + " Their order will correspond to the following precedence shift + alt/option + control + winkey/meta/command
    If no modifier is pressed, this will be an empty string