

mappings : renoise.InstrumentMacroMapping[]

READ-ONLY Macro mappings, target parameters

mappings_observable : renoise.Document.ObservableList

Track changes to document lists by attaching listener functions to it. NB: Notifiers will not broadcast changes made to list items, but only changes to the lists layout (items got added, removed, swapped).

name : string

Macro name as visible in the GUI when mappings are presents.

name_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

value : number

Range: (0 - 1)

value_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

value_string : string

Range: (0 - 100)

value_string_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.


mapping(self, index : integer)


Access to a single attached parameter mapping by index. Use property 'mappings' to query mapping count.