
Midi device interface for sending MIDI messages. Instances are created via renoise.Midi.create_output_device


is_open : boolean

Returns true while the device is open (ready to send or receive messages). Your device refs will never be auto-closed, "is_open" will only be false if you explicitly call "midi_device:close()" to release a device.

name : string

The name of a device. This is the name you create a device with via renoise.Midi.create_input_device or renoise.Midi.create_output_device.


send(self, message : integer[])

Send raw 1-3 byte MIDI messages or sysex messages. Message is expected to be an array of numbers. It must not be empty and can only contain numbers >= 0 and <= 0xFF (bytes). Sysex messages must be sent in one block, and must start with 0xF0, and end with 0xF7.