


    LAYER_NOTE_DISABLED: integer = 0,
    LAYER_NOTE_ON: integer = 1,
    LAYER_NOTE_OFF: integer = 2,


    OVERLAP_MODE_ALL: integer = 0,
    OVERLAP_MODE_CYCLED: integer = 1,
    OVERLAP_MODE_RANDOM: integer = 2,


    PHRASES_OFF: integer = 1,
    PHRASES_PLAY_SELECTIVE: integer = 2,
    PHRASES_PLAY_KEYMAP: integer = 3,


    TAB_SAMPLES: integer = 1,
    TAB_PLUGIN: integer = 2,
    TAB_EXT_MIDI: integer = 3,




active_tab : renoise.Instrument.Tab

Currently active tab in the instrument GUI (samples, plugin or MIDI).

active_tab_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

channel_pressure_macro : renoise.InstrumentMacro

Access the MIDI channel pressure macro

comments : string[]

Instrument's comment list. See for more info on how to get notified on changes and how to change it.

comments_assignment_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Notifier which is called as soon as any paragraph in the comments change.

comments_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

macros : renoise.InstrumentMacro[]

READ-ONLY Macro parameters. Array with size Instrument.NUMBER_OF_MACROS.

macros_visible : boolean

Macro parameter pane visibility in the GUI.

macros_visible_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

midi_input_properties : renoise.InstrumentMidiInputProperties

READ-ONLY MIDI input properties.

midi_output_properties : renoise.InstrumentMidiOutputProperties

READ-ONLY MIDI output properties.

modulation_wheel_macro : renoise.InstrumentMacro

Access the MIDI modulation-wheel macro

name : string

Instrument's name.

name_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

phrase_editor_visible : boolean

Phrase editor pane visibility in the GUI.

phrase_editor_visible_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

phrase_mappings : renoise.InstrumentPhraseMapping[]

READ-ONLY Phrase mappings.

phrase_mappings_observable : renoise.Document.ObservableList

Track changes to document lists by attaching listener functions to it. NB: Notifiers will not broadcast changes made to list items, but only changes to the lists layout (items got added, removed, swapped).

phrase_playback_mode : renoise.Instrument.PhrasePlaybackMode

Phrase playback.

phrase_playback_mode_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

phrase_program : integer

Phrase playback program: 0 = Off, 1-126 = specific phrase, 127 = keymap.

phrase_program_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

phrases : renoise.InstrumentPhrase[]

READ-ONLY Phrases.

phrases_observable : renoise.Document.ObservableList

Track changes to document lists by attaching listener functions to it. NB: Notifiers will not broadcast changes made to list items, but only changes to the lists layout (items got added, removed, swapped).

pitchbend_macro : renoise.InstrumentMacro

Access the MIDI pitch-bend macro

plugin_properties : renoise.InstrumentPluginProperties

READ-ONLY Plugin properties.

sample_device_chains : renoise.SampleDeviceChain[]

READ-ONLY Sample device chains.

sample_device_chains_observable : renoise.Document.ObservableList

Track changes to document lists by attaching listener functions to it. NB: Notifiers will not broadcast changes made to list items, but only changes to the lists layout (items got added, removed, swapped).

sample_mapping_overlap_mode : renoise.Instrument.OverlapMode

Sample mapping's overlap trigger mode.

sample_mapping_overlap_mode_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

sample_mappings : renoise.SampleMapping[]

READ-ONLY Sample mappings (key/velocity to sample slot mappings). sample_mappings[LAYER_NOTE_ON/OFF][]. Sample mappings also can be accessed via ---@field samples[].sample_mapping

sample_mappings_observable : renoise.Document.ObservableList

Track changes to document lists by attaching listener functions to it. NB: Notifiers will not broadcast changes made to list items, but only changes to the lists layout (items got added, removed, swapped).

sample_modulation_sets : renoise.SampleModulationSet[]

READ-ONLY Sample modulation sets.

sample_modulation_sets_observable : renoise.Document.ObservableList

Track changes to document lists by attaching listener functions to it. NB: Notifiers will not broadcast changes made to list items, but only changes to the lists layout (items got added, removed, swapped).

samples : renoise.Sample[]

READ-ONLY Samples slots.

samples_observable : renoise.Document.ObservableList

Track changes to document lists by attaching listener functions to it. NB: Notifiers will not broadcast changes made to list items, but only changes to the lists layout (items got added, removed, swapped).

show_comments_after_loading : boolean

Set this to true to show the comments dialog after loading a song

show_comments_after_loading_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

transpose : integer

Range: (-120 - 120). Global relative pitch in semi tones. Applied to all samples, MIDI and plugins in the instrument.

transpose_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

trigger_options : renoise.InstrumentTriggerOptions

Global trigger options (quantization and scaling options).

volume : number

Range: (0 - math.db2lin(6))

volume_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.


can_insert_phrase_mapping_at(self, index : integer)


Returns true if a new phrase mapping can be inserted at the given phrase mapping index (see See[].phrase_mappings). Passed phrase must exist and must not have a mapping yet. Phrase note mappings may not overlap and are sorted by note, so there can be max 119 phrases per instrument when each phrase is mapped to a single key only. To make up room for new phrases, access phrases by index, adjust their note_range, then call 'insert_phrase_mapping_at' again.


Reset, clear all settings and all samples.

copy_from(self, instrument : renoise.Instrument)

Copy all settings from the other instrument, including all samples.

delete_phrase_at(self, index : integer)

Delete a new phrase at the given phrase index.

delete_phrase_mapping_at(self, index : integer)

Delete a new phrase mapping at the given phrase mapping index.

delete_sample_at(self, index : integer)

Delete an existing sample.

delete_sample_device_chain_at(self, index : integer)

Delete an existing sample device chain at the given index.

delete_sample_modulation_set_at(self, index : integer)

Delete an existing modulation set at the given index.

insert_phrase_at(self, index : integer)

->new_phrase : renoise.InstrumentPhrase

Insert a new phrase behind the given phrase index (1 for the first one).

insert_phrase_mapping_at(self, index : integer, phrase : renoise.InstrumentPhrase)

->new_mapping : renoise.InstrumentPhraseMapping

Insert a new phrase mapping behind the given phrase mapping index. The new phrase mapping will by default use the entire free (note) range between the previous and next phrase (if any). To adjust the note range of the new phrase change its 'new_phrase_mapping.note_range' property.

insert_sample_at(self, index : integer)

->new_sample : renoise.Sample

Insert a new empty sample. returns the new renoise.Sample object. Every newly inserted sample has a default mapping, which covers the entire key and velocity range, or it gets added as drum kit mapping when the instrument used a drum-kit mapping before the sample got added.

insert_sample_device_chain_at(self, index : integer)

->new_sample_device_chain : renoise.SampleDeviceChain

Insert a new sample device chain at the given index.

insert_sample_modulation_set_at(self, index : integer)

->new_sample_modulation_set : renoise.SampleModulationSet

Insert a new modulation set at the given index

macro(self, index : integer)

->instrument_macro : renoise.InstrumentMacro

Range: (1 - renoise.Instrument.NUMBER_OF_MACROS) Access a single macro by index. See also property macros.

phrase(self, index : integer)


Access a single phrase by index. Use properties 'phrases' to iterate over all phrases and to query the phrase count.

phrase_mapping(self, index : integer)


Access to a phrase note mapping by index. Use property 'phrase_mappings' to iterate over all phrase mappings and to query the phrase (mapping) count.

sample(self, index : integer)


Access to a single sample by index. Use properties 'samples' to iterate over all samples and to query the sample count.

sample_device_chain(self, index : integer)


Access to a single device chain by index. Use property 'sample_device_chains' to iterate over all chains and to query the chain count.

sample_mapping(self, layer : renoise.Instrument.Layer, index : integer)


Access to a sample mapping by index. Use property 'sample_mappings' to iterate over all sample mappings and to query the sample (mapping) count.

sample_modulation_set(self, index : integer)


Access to a single sample modulation set by index. Use property 'sample_modulation_sets' to iterate over all sets and to query the set count.

swap_sample_device_chains_at(self, index1 : integer, index2 : integer)

Swap positions of two sample device chains.

swap_sample_modulation_sets_at(self, index1 : any, index2 : any)

Swap positions of two modulation sets.

swap_samples_at(self, index1 : integer, index2 : integer)

Swap positions of two samples.