

is_alias : boolean


alias_pattern_index : integer

index or 0 when no alias is present

alias_pattern_index_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

color : RGBColor?

slot color of the pattern in the matrix, nil when no slot color is set

color_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

is_empty : boolean

Returns true when all the track lines are empty. Does not look at automation.

is_empty_observable : renoise.Document.Observable

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.

lines : renoise.PatternLine[]

READ-ONLY Get all lines in range [1, number_of_lines_in_pattern]. Use renoise.Pattern:add/remove_line_notifier for change notifications.

automation : renoise.PatternTrackAutomation[]


automation_observable : renoise.Document.ObservableList

Track changes to document lists by attaching listener functions to it. NB: Notifiers will not broadcast changes made to list items, but only changes to the lists layout (items got added, removed, swapped).



Deletes all lines & automation.

copy_from(self, other : renoise.PatternTrack)

Copy contents from other pattern tracks, including automation when possible.

line(self, index : integer)


Access to a single line by index. Line must be in Range: (1 - MAX_NUMBER_OF_LINES). This is a !lot! more efficient than calling the property: lines[index] to randomly access lines.

lines_in_range(self, index_from : integer, index_to : integer)


Get a specific line range. Index must be Range: (1 - Pattern.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LINES)

find_automation(self, parameter : renoise.DeviceParameter)


Returns the automation for the given device parameter or nil when there is none.

create_automation(self, parameter : renoise.DeviceParameter)


Creates a new automation for the given device parameter. Fires an error when an automation for the given parameter already exists. Returns the newly created automation. Passed parameter must be automatable, which can be tested with 'parameter.is_automatable'.

delete_automation(self, parameter : renoise.DeviceParameter)

Remove an existing automation the given device parameter. Automation must exist.



{ 1 : integer, 2 : integer, 3 : integer }

A table of 3 bytes (ranging from 0 to 255) representing the red, green and blue channels of a color. {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF} is white {165, 73, 35} is the red from the Renoise logo