
renoise.Document classes are wrappers for Renoise's internal document classes.

Please note: the Lua wrappers are not really "the Lua way" of solving and expressing things. e.g: there's no support for mixed types in lists, tuples at the moment.

Documents can be serialized from/to XML, just like Renoise's internal document and are observable.

An empty document (node) object can be created via renoise.Document.create("MyDoc"){}

Such document objects can then be extended with the document's add_property function. Existing properties can also be removed again with the remove_property function.


-- Creates an empty document, using "MyDoc" as the model name (a type name)
local my_document = renoise.Document.create("MyDoc"){ }
-- adds a number to the document with the initial value 1
my_document:add_property("value1", 1)
-- adds a string
my_document:add_property("value2", "bla")
-- create another document and adds it
local node = renoise.Document.create("MySubDoc"){ }
node:add_property("another_value", 1)
-- add another already existing node
my_document:add_property("nested_node", node)
-- removes a previously added node
-- access properties
local value1 = my_document.value1
value1 = my_document:property("value1")

As an alternative to renoise.Document.create, you can also inherit from renoise.Document.DocumentNode in order to create your own document classes. This is especially recommended when dealing with more complex docs, because you can also use additional methods to deal with your properties, the data.


class "MyDocument" (renoise.Document.DocumentNode)
  function MyDocument:__init()
    -- important! call super first
    -- add properties to construct the document model
    self:add_property("age", 1)
    self:add_property("name", renoise.Document.ObservableString("value"))
    -- other doc renoise.Document.DocumentNode object
    self:add_property("sub_node", MySubNode())
    -- list of renoise.Document.DocumentNode objects
    self:add_property("doc_list", renoise.Document.DocumentList())
    -- or the create() way:
    self:add_properties {
      something = "else"

Instantiating such custom document objects can then be done by simply calling the constructor:

my_document = MyDocument()
-- do something with my_document, load/save, add/remove more properties


create(model_name : string)

->(properties : ObservableProperties) -> renoise.Document.DocumentNode

Create an empty DocumentNode or a DocumentNode that is modeled after the passed key value table. "model_name" will be used to identify the documents type when loading/saving. It also allows you to instantiate new document objects (see renoise.Document.instantiate).


my_document = renoise.Document.create("MyDoc") {
  age = 1,
  name = "bla", -- implicitly specify a property type
  is_valid = renoise.Document.ObservableBoolean(false), -- or explicitly
  age_list = {1, 2, 3},
  another_list = renoise.Document.ObservableNumberList(),
  sub_node = {
    sub_value1 = 2,
    sub_value2 = "bla2"

This will create a document node which is !modeled! after the the passed table. The table is not used internally by the document after construction, and will only be referenced to construct new instances. Also note that you need to assign values for all passed table properties in order to automatically determine it's type, or specify the types explicitly -> renoise.Document.ObservableXXX().

The passed name ("MyDoc" in the example above) is used to identify the document when loading/saving it (loading a XML file which was saved with a different model will fail) and to generally specify the "type".

Additionally, once "create" is called, you can use the specified model name to create new instances.


-- create a new instance of "MyDoc"
my_other_document = renoise.Document.instantiate("MyDoc")

instantiate(model_name : string)


Create a new instance of the given document model. Given model_name must have been registered with renoise.Document.create before.



renoise.Document.DocumentList | renoise.Document.DocumentNode | renoise.Document.Observable | renoise.Document.ObservableList

Track changes to document properties or general states by attaching listener functions to it.


{ index : integer, type : "insert" }


ListElementAdded | ListElementRemoved | ListElementsSwapped


{ index : integer, type : "removed" }


{ index1 : integer, index2 : integer, type : "swapped" }


(change : ListElementChange)


table | userdata




table | userdata


table<string, ObservableTypes | renoise.Document.DocumentList | renoise.Document.DocumentNode>


boolean | string | number | boolean[] | number[] | string[]