Module Duplex.Preferences

Manage global settings or individual device-configuration settings for Duplex

Device and application setup for controllers are registered by the controllers itself.

Each entry is a file located in the Controllers/Configuration subfolder, and must have the following properties defined:

 ** configuration properties
 name = "Some Config", -- config name as visible in the browser
 pinned = true, -- when true, config is added to the Duplex context menu

 ** device properties
 device = {
   class_name = nil, -- optional custom device class
   display_name = "Some Device", -- as visible in the browser
   device_name = "Some Device", -- MIDI device name
   control_map = "controlmap.xml", -- path & name of the control map

 ** applications
 applications = { -- list of applications and app configs
   Mixer = { options = "Something" }, -- a mixer app
   Effect = { options = "Something" } -- an effect app

Once defined, the configuration will be shown in the browser by it's device name


theme_color (table) theming support: specify the default button color


duplex_preferences Global or configuration settings for Duplex
highres_automation (boolean) enable highres recording for xAutomation
button_hold_time (number) the seconds required to trigger DEVICEEVENT.BUTTONHELD fractional values are supported, 0.5 is half a second
slider_acceleration (number) the amount of acceleration applied to relative motion higher values equal less acceleration (default is 10)
extrapolation_strength (number) the amount of extrapolation applied to automation
display_browser_on_start (bool) when enabled, the Duplex browser is displayed on startup
dump_midi (bool) dump MIDI messages to sdt out (Renoise terminal)
dump_osc (bool) dump OSC messages to sdt out (Renoise terminal)
osc_server_host (string) the internal OSC connection (disabled if no host/port is specified)
osc_server_port (int) the internal OSC port address (set this to whatever the renoise OSC server is set to)
osc_first_run (bool) when OSC is being run the first time, display a message


(table) theming support: specify the default button color


  • red 0xc1
  • blue 0x34
  • green 0x11


Global or configuration settings for Duplex
(boolean) enable highres recording for xAutomation
(number) the seconds required to trigger DEVICEEVENT.BUTTONHELD fractional values are supported, 0.5 is half a second
(number) the amount of acceleration applied to relative motion higher values equal less acceleration (default is 10)
(number) the amount of extrapolation applied to automation
(bool) when enabled, the Duplex browser is displayed on startup
(bool) dump MIDI messages to sdt out (Renoise terminal)
(bool) dump OSC messages to sdt out (Renoise terminal)
(string) the internal OSC connection (disabled if no host/port is specified)
(int) the internal OSC port address (set this to whatever the renoise OSC server is set to)
(bool) when OSC is being run the first time, display a message
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