Module Duplex.Browser

The Browser class shows and instantiates registered device configurations and shows the virtual UI for them.

More than one configuration can be active and running for multiple devices.



- Decorate open device dialogs when hardware is hot-swapped
- Prevent notifier feedback


- Button to show/hide virtual control surface (access with TAB key)


- Expanded set of key/MIDI mappings
  - [Next] / [Previous] configuration for the selected device
  - [Set] the active configuration for the selected device
  - [Show] / [Hide] the Duplex browser dialog


- Tool menu: devices organized into sub-menu’s
- Tool menu: display on startup (only when active config)
- Tool menu: release all devices (useful shortcut)
- Tool menu: enable NRPN support


- Interactively change options while applications are running
  - Application:_apply_options() and optional on_activate() has been removed
- Fixed: hot-plugging devices caused an error (bug was introduced in 0.95)
- More MIDI-mapping options: set,select previous/next configuration


- Refactoring: moved the "settings" dialog into the Browser class, as the
  dialog will eventually contain application settings etc. The device now
  only contains the device-specific UI code, and not the dialog itself


- Switch between device presets/configurations using function keys
- Forward keypresses to Renoise (except those we use for switching)


__init (initial_configuration, start_configuration) Initialize the Browser class
show () Activate and shows the dialog, or bring the existing one to front
hide () Hide the dialog
on_idle () Forward idle notifications to all active processes
on_new_document () Forward new document notifications to all active processes
on_release_document () Forward released document notifications to all active processes
on_window_became_active () Forward notifications to all active processes
on_window_resigned_active () Forward notifications to all active processes
available_devices () Return a list of valid devices (plus a "None" option) existing devices (ones that we found MIDI ports for) are listed first, all others are listed as (N/A) to indicate that they are not present in the users device setup
set_device (device_display_name, configuration_hint) Change the active input device: instantiates a new device, using the first avilable configuration for it, or reusing an already running configuration
available_configurations (device_name) Return list of valid configurations for the given device
configuration_running (configuration) Determine if the given config is instantiated and running
set_previous_configuration () Activate the previous configuration (if active, has previous)
has_previous_configuration () Check if previous configuration exist
set_next_configuration () Activate the next configuration (if active, has next)
has_next_configuration () Check if next configuration exist
goto_configuration (idx) Activate a configuration based on the provided index
(silently fails if no configuration exist at that index, or already active)
get_configuration_index (cfg_name) Retrieve the index for the configuration matching the provided name
set_configuration (configuration, start_running) Activate a new configuration for the currently active device
start_current_configuration (start_running, from_ui) Start current configuration (and all apps within it)
stop_current_configuration (from_ui) Stop current configuration (and all apps within it)
dump_midi () Check if we should write debug data to the std out (console)
dump_osc () Check if we should write debug data to the std out (console)
set_dump_midi (dump) Set the MIDI dump status
set_dump_osc (dump) Set the OSC dump status
_strip_postfixes (name) Remove NOTAVAILABLEPOSTFIX and RUNNING_POSTFIX from the passed name
_process_running () Check if any processes are running
_current_process () Retrieve the current process
_device_index_by_name (device_display_name) Retrieve index of the given device display name
_configuration_index_by_name (config_name) Retrieve index of the given configuration name
_available_configurations_for_device (device_display_name) Retrieve list of configurations present for the provided device
_available_configuration_names_for_device (device_display_name) Retrieve list of configuration-names present for the provided device
_decorate_device_list () Add/remove the "running" postfix for relevant devices.
_decorate_configuration_list () Add/remove the "running" postfix for relevant configurations.
toggle_browser_size () Show/hide the virtual control surface
_update_resize_button () Update dialog after virtual control surface is shown/hidden
_update_device_description () Show info about the current device, as specified in the control-map
_configuration_autostart_enabled () Check whether the current configuration should be autostarted return (bool)
_enable_configuration_autostart () Add the current configuration to the autostart prefs
_disable_configuration_autostart () Remove the current configuration from the autostart prefs
_available_device_ports_changed () Notifier, fired when device input or output port setting changed
_device_ports_changed () Notifier, fired when device input or output port setting changed
_create_content_view () Build and assign the application dialog


self._available_configurations (table) list of duplex device configuration definitions
self._processes (table) a table containing BrowserProcess processes
self._device_name (string) selected device display-name
self._configuration_name (string) selected configuration for the current device
self._dump_midi (bool) dump midi information to console (debug option)
self._dump_osc (bool) dump osc information to console (debug option)
self._suppress_notifiers (bool) true while updating the GUI from within the internal browser functions, to avoid doubling updates when the changes are not fired from the GUI
self._requested_device (string) set when we temporarily have selected "None" as device, and want to revert the list choice
self._osc_client (Duplex.OscClient) takes care of sending internally routed notes to Renoise (not created if host/port is not defined)
self._voice_mgr (Duplex.OscVoiceMgr) the voice manager is handling triggered note messages (needs the osc_client)
self._vb (renoise.ViewBuilder) viewbuilder for all our views
self._dialog (renoise.Dialog) referenc to the main dialog


__init (initial_configuration, start_configuration)
Initialize the Browser class


  • initial_configuration (Table) set to this configuration
  • start_configuration (bool) true to start the application
show ()
Activate and shows the dialog, or bring the existing one to front
hide ()
Hide the dialog
on_idle ()
Forward idle notifications to all active processes
on_new_document ()
Forward new document notifications to all active processes
on_release_document ()
Forward released document notifications to all active processes
on_window_became_active ()
Forward notifications to all active processes
on_window_resigned_active ()
Forward notifications to all active processes
available_devices ()
Return a list of valid devices (plus a "None" option) existing devices (ones that we found MIDI ports for) are listed first, all others are listed as (N/A) to indicate that they are not present in the users device setup


    (Table) list of device names
set_device (device_display_name, configuration_hint)
Change the active input device: instantiates a new device, using the first avilable configuration for it, or reusing an already running configuration


  • device_display_name (string) device display-name, without postfix
  • configuration_hint (optional table) configuration that should be used to instantiate the device. when nil, a default one is selected from the available device configs
available_configurations (device_name)
Return list of valid configurations for the given device


  • device_name (String) the device name
configuration_running (configuration)
Determine if the given config is instantiated and running


  • configuration (Table) the configuration to check


    (bool) true if config is running
set_previous_configuration ()
Activate the previous configuration (if active, has previous)
has_previous_configuration ()
Check if previous configuration exist


set_next_configuration ()
Activate the next configuration (if active, has next)
has_next_configuration ()
Check if next configuration exist


goto_configuration (idx)
Activate a configuration based on the provided index
(silently fails if no configuration exist at that index, or already active)


  • idx (int)
get_configuration_index (cfg_name)
Retrieve the index for the configuration matching the provided name


  • cfg_name


    int or nil
set_configuration (configuration, start_running)
Activate a new configuration for the currently active device


  • configuration (Table)
  • start_running (bool)
start_current_configuration (start_running, from_ui)
Start current configuration (and all apps within it)


  • start_running
  • from_ui
stop_current_configuration (from_ui)
Stop current configuration (and all apps within it)


  • from_ui
dump_midi ()
Check if we should write debug data to the std out (console)


dump_osc ()
Check if we should write debug data to the std out (console)


set_dump_midi (dump)
Set the MIDI dump status


  • dump (bool)
set_dump_osc (dump)
Set the OSC dump status


  • dump (bool)
_strip_postfixes (name)


  • name (String)


    (String) the name without decoration
_process_running ()
Check if any processes are running


    (bool) true when at least one process is instantiated and running
_current_process ()
Retrieve the current process


    (BrowserProcess object or nil)
_device_index_by_name (device_display_name)
Retrieve index of the given device display name


  • device_display_name (string)


    (int or nil)
_configuration_index_by_name (config_name)
Retrieve index of the given configuration name


  • config_name (string)


    (int or nil)
_available_configurations_for_device (device_display_name)
Retrieve list of configurations present for the provided device


  • device_display_name (String) device display-name


    (Table) list of configurations
_available_configuration_names_for_device (device_display_name)
Retrieve list of configuration-names present for the provided device


  • device_display_name (String) device display-name


    (Table) list of configuration names
_decorate_device_list ()
Add/remove the "running" postfix for relevant devices. called when we start/stop apps, and choose a device/config
_decorate_configuration_list ()
Add/remove the "running" postfix for relevant configurations. called when we start/stop apps, and choose a device/config
toggle_browser_size ()
Show/hide the virtual control surface
_update_resize_button ()
Update dialog after virtual control surface is shown/hidden
_update_device_description ()
Show info about the current device, as specified in the control-map
_configuration_autostart_enabled ()
Check whether the current configuration should be autostarted return (bool)
_enable_configuration_autostart ()
Add the current configuration to the autostart prefs
_disable_configuration_autostart ()
Remove the current configuration from the autostart prefs
_available_device_ports_changed ()
Notifier, fired when device input or output port setting changed
_device_ports_changed ()
Notifier, fired when device input or output port setting changed
_create_content_view ()
Build and assign the application dialog


(table) list of duplex device configuration definitions

See also:

(table) a table containing BrowserProcess processes
(string) selected device display-name
(string) selected configuration for the current device
(bool) dump midi information to console (debug option)
(bool) dump osc information to console (debug option)
(bool) true while updating the GUI from within the internal browser functions, to avoid doubling updates when the changes are not fired from the GUI
(string) set when we temporarily have selected "None" as device, and want to revert the list choice
(Duplex.OscClient) takes care of sending internally routed notes to Renoise (not created if host/port is not defined)
(Duplex.OscVoiceMgr) the voice manager is handling triggered note messages (needs the osc_client)
(renoise.ViewBuilder) viewbuilder for all our views
(renoise.Dialog) referenc to the main dialog
generated by LDoc 1.4.2