Duplex Framework

Documentation of the Duplex framework, its classes and applications


Duplex.Application The generic application class for Duplex.
Duplex.Applications.Effect The Effect application enables control of DSP chain parameters.
Duplex.Applications.GridPie Grid Pie lets you combine different parts of song, non-linearly, in real time.
Duplex.Applications.Hydra Control any Hydra device in the current song.
Duplex.Applications.Instrument Take control of the Renoise Instrument.
Duplex.Applications.Keyboard.GridLayout Custom grid layouts for the Keyboard application.
Duplex.Applications.Keyboard.Layouts.HarmonicLayout Harmonic layout for the Keyboard application.
Duplex.Applications.Keyboard.Layouts.HarmonicWrapped Harmonic layout for the Keyboard application (wrapped version) See also: Duplex.Applications.Keyboard.GridLayout
Duplex.Applications.Keyboard.Layouts.IsomorphicLayout Isomorphic layout for the Keyboard application.
Duplex.Applications.Keyboard.Layouts.PianoLayout Piano-style layout for the Keyboard application.
Duplex.Applications.Keyboard A replacement of the standard Renoise keyboard, supporting MIDI and OSC.
Duplex.Applications.Metronome Take control of the Renoise metronome (tutorial).
Duplex.Applications.MidiActions.Bindings This is a configuration file for the MidiActions application, supplying semantic information about known/common Renoise MIDI mappings.
Duplex.Applications.MidiActions MidiActions will expose most of the standard Renoise mappings to Duplex.
Duplex.Applications.Mlrx.Mlrx_group Mlrx_group - this class represent a logical group in mlrx the group takes care of administering updates to it's child tracks
Duplex.Applications.Mlrx.Mlrx_note Mlrx_note - logical note-objects in mlrx
Duplex.Applications.Mlrx.Mlrx_pos Mlrx_pos is a class for handling operations on song-position objects, a more flexible implementation of the native SongPos
Duplex.Applications.Mlrx.Mlrx_track Mlrx_track - this class represent a logical track in mlrx
Duplex.Applications.Mlrx Mlrx is a live performance loop sequencer.
Duplex.Applications.NotesOnWheels Notes On Wheels (N.O.W) is an arpeggiating step sequencer.
Duplex.Applications.PatternCursor Navigate between lines in the pattern editor.
Duplex.Applications.PatternSequence Basic control of the Renoise pattern-sequence.
Duplex.Applications.Repeater Take control of the native repeater DSP device.
Duplex.Applications.Rotate Rotate a track/pattern, optionally including automation.
Duplex.Applications.SwitchConfiguration Switch between different hardware configurations
Duplex.Applications.Transport The Transport application offers transport controls for Renoise.
Duplex.Applications.XYPad Control any XYPad device in any Renoise DSP Chain.
Duplex.Browser The Browser class shows and instantiates registered device configurations and shows the virtual UI for them.
Duplex.BrowserProcess Duplex.BrowserProcess [[--
Duplex.Canvas Employed by the UIComponents to represent their visual state

The canvas is a two-dimensional table of CanvasPoints which can be resized.

Duplex.ControlMap Load and parse XML based control-map files


0.99.5 - (new), enable/disable (MIDI) message throttling

0.99.3 - (new), match a specific (CC) value - from, @matchto> (new), match a (CC) value-range - (new), specify resolution (7/14 bit) and operation (absolute/relative) - (new), interpret parameter in the context of a specific device class

0.99.2 - Faster, more flexible parameter matching - all messages are processed on startup, cached/memoized where possible - OSC patterns now support "captures", see getoscparams() for more info - getoscparams(): when using wildcards, returns table of regexp-matches - (new), allows inverting the value (flip min/max) - (new) update device only when changed via virtual UI - (new), specify the font type - relevant for @type=labels only - attribute has been retired - attribute has been retired, just enter a blank @value - widget type has been retired (use @type="button") - new node type for combining several parameters into one (finally, we can have a "proper" xypad control for MIDI devices) - (new), set to false to hide the entire group

0.99.1 - TWEAK No more need to explicitly state "is_virtual" for parameters that only exist in the virtual UI - just leave the value attribute blank

0.98.14 - cache parameters

o Faster retrieval of MIDI parameters (put in cache once requested)

- New input method xypad, for creating XYPad controls in the virtual control surface (paired-value support, however only OSC devices can define this input method) - new input method: key - for accepting note-input from individual buttons/pads (Note: OBSOLETE) - Control-map/virtual control surface: keyboard - a new input method for representing a keyboard (the control surface will draw a series of keys)

o In the control-map, you can specify it`s range (number of keys)

- Control-map/XML parsing:

o Attribute names can now contain underscore

- Control-map/note value syntax: octave wildcard - you can now put an asterisk in place of the octave to make mapping respond to the note only (e.g.

Duplex.Device The Device class is the base class for any OSC or MIDI device.
Duplex.Display The Display is the base class for device displays and the virtual UI

Display performs many duties; it manages UIComponents, as it will both send and recieve their messages, and take care of their visual updates on the idle time update.

Duplex.MessageStream Recieve messages from connected devices and the virtual control surface.
Duplex.MidiDevice A generic MIDI device class, providing the ability to send and receive MIDI
Duplex.OscClient OscClient is a simple OSC client that connect to the built-in OSC server in Renoise, producing realtime messages that trigger notes or send MIDI messages
Duplex.OscDevice A generic OSC device class, providing the ability to send and receive OSC.
Duplex.OscVoiceMgr The OscVoiceMgr is a class for handling internally triggered notes, keeping track of the active voices and their context

The purpose is to keep track of active voices, and their context: how the note got triggered: which device/application/instrument/pitch etc.

Duplex.Preferences Manage global settings or individual device-configuration settings for Duplex

Device and application setup for controllers are registered by the controllers itself.

Duplex.UIButton The UIButton is a generic button.
Duplex.UIButtonStrip The UIButtonStrip is an array of buttons that control an active index/range, especially useful for controlling a sequence with an a looped region.
Duplex.UIComponent UIComponent is the basic building block from which you create a user interface.
Duplex.UIKey UIKey receives messages from a MIDI keyboard.
Duplex.UIKeyPressure UIKeyPressure is a UIComponent that respond to MIDI channel-pressure events.
Duplex.UILabel UILabel is a component designed for basic text display
Duplex.UILed The UILed is a simple control with no internal state, and no events.
Duplex.UIPad UIPad is designed to take control of a X/Y Pad
Duplex.UIPitchBend UIPitchBend is able to receive pitch bend messages from MIDI devices
Duplex.UISlider The Slider supports different input methods: buttons or faders/dials.
Duplex.UISpinner UISpinner makes it possible to select among a list of options
Duplex.WidgetHooks Provide hooks for controls in the virtual control surface (native & custom)
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