Module Duplex.Applications.Mlrx.Mlrx_pos

Mlrx_pos is a class for handling operations on song-position objects, a more flexible implementation of the native SongPos


__init (pos) Constructor method
__eq (other) compare with another position
__lt (other) check if earlier than another position
__le (other) check if latern than another position
__tostring () output some debugging info
quantize (quant) quantize position to a given amount of lines note that quantization that arrive on the same line will only be allowed when playback is stopped - otherwise, we choose the next point in time
normalize (force_to_start) ensure that a song-position stays with #numberoflines, taking stuff like pattern/sequence loop and song duration into consideration


__init (pos)
Constructor method


  • pos [opt] (renoise.SongPos or Mlrx_pos)
__eq (other)
compare with another position


  • other (renoise.SongPos or Mlrx_pos)
__lt (other)
check if earlier than another position


  • other (renoise.SongPos or Mlrx_pos)
__le (other)
check if latern than another position


  • other (renoise.SongPos or Mlrx_pos)
__tostring ()
output some debugging info


quantize (quant)
quantize position to a given amount of lines note that quantization that arrive on the same line will only be allowed when playback is stopped - otherwise, we choose the next point in time


  • quant (int) the line-quantize amount


    int (the difference in lines)
normalize (force_to_start)
ensure that a song-position stays with #numberoflines, taking stuff like pattern/sequence loop and song duration into consideration


  • force_to_start

    (bool) when dealing with quantized notes,

    this will allow us to force a note to always trigger at the first line
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